Do you fight dirty? Four Signs you are headed for divorce and how to turn it around.

Do you fight dirty? Four Signs you are headed for divorce and how to turn it around.

Every couple fights at some point because they are two different people trying to come together on many important topics such as money, division of labor, and sex. The difference between couples who stay together and couples who don't is how they manage these arguments over the life of the relationship.

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Changing one small thing will eventually change everything!

Changing one small thing will eventually change everything!

It can be difficult when you know you are unhappy but aren't sure what to do about it. Sometimes it can be seemingly small things that make us unhappy such as not having quality time with a significant other or constant small stressors making it hard to enjoy life.

Try changing something small rather than trying to change several things or making major changes. For example, setting up a weekly coffee date with friends or establishing a date-night with your spouse to get some quality time.

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